Wednesday Picture of Framing Bodies: LOVE ME

In today’s image, Kristen Frankiewicz, Alex Soares, and Jacquelyne Boe, all members of Frame Dance Productions, dance in Lydia Hance’s new line of dance films called Framing Bodies. These films invite people from the Houston community into the process of creating the film. This one, entitled LOVE ME, will premiere on Oct. 14 and 15 at Spacetaker. The cast is 13 movers telling their stories of isolation and love through movement and text. Simply put, we’re telling Houston’s stories.
In the coming weeks, we will be posting blog entrees written by the cast to give you a further glimpse into the process. We have been posting photos of one of the film shoots daily by photographers Lorie Garcia of Studio 4d4 and Lindsey Sarah of
We’re updating this blog daily…sometimes multiple times a day. So check back often. And see you at Spacetaker on Oct. 14 and 15.
Lydia Hance
Lydia Hance is a recipient of the Houston Arts Alliance Individual Artist Grant, a grant from the Puffin Foundation and Rice University Dance Program Space Grant.