We need your help
Dear Readers,
For our birthday we are hosting a virtual birthday party, and we want you to come. We need your help. At www.framedance.org/boxoffice you can help us out by purchasing any of the following: a cupcake, a costume, a month of web hosting, a projection screen, the programs for our next show… and several other things. Some are really small, like $3.75 and they go all the way up to $220. If all the Framers out there purchased a cupcake, we would be able to make art this next year. I know it’s easy to think that because $3.75 is so small, it won’t matter if you don’t give. But it makes a huge difference. Trust me. That’s all you have to do to ensure more pretty films. Be a part of Frame Dance Productions. We want you!
Lydia Hance