Hi Framers! We are heading into a series about performances. I’ve realized I’ve been really bad about how I send the dancers into performances. I’m often so pulled in a million directions with things to get ready for the performance, that I haven’t even hugged them! Often, they are the only thing I can trust to be ready. But it is important to have a moment, ritual, prayer before you go on to pull the company together in mind, body, and spirit.
Starting next week, we’re asking the Framers how they prepare for a performance– what is one thing they always do? how do they feel in performance? how do they unwind after a performance?
So today we’re starting with that strange french word “Merde” that dancers say to one another before a performance. Actors say “break a leg,” but for dancers that is said to be bad luck. It’s clear that even professional dancers don’t always know why dancers say “merde.” Do you? Here’s an article by Dance Enthusiast who asked professionals in the field why dancers say “merde” before performances.