Eat Well Wednesday: Why Hire a Nutrition Coach?
Let’s be real, we are bombarded with nutrition information ALL.THE. TIME! Eat this, don’t eat that, avoid this, buy this, try this new super food and the list goes on and on. Not only are we confused, but our bodies are as well. It seems like the more we try to balance our diets the more out of balance we become. That’s why a Nutrition Coach can help set you on a path of health and success!
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, they will customize a plan for you tailored to your goals. They will meet with you weekly to share with you applicable nutrition knowledge and help you overcome any obstacles you may be facing along the way. Your goals will become your reality and will teach you the tools you need to maintain your success for the rest of your life.
You will learn the foundations of nutrition, become knowledgeable of how to shop the grocery store, develop healthy and easy meals to prepare for you and your family and gain valuable information about nutrition, health, balance and maintaining your success for years to come.
And I promise they won’t have you eating salads every meal or chugging green smoothies. Life is about balance and getting healthier is about making different choices for what you put in your body. In the amount that you spend on fast food a month, you can have a nutrition coach for 6-12 weeks with meal plans, grocery lists, weekly meetings, support, guidance and knowledge.
Top 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Nutrition Coach
1. You are tired, stressed, overwhelmed and can’t find the energy to get back on track.
2. Your money is being spent on fast food, soda’s and restaurant outings, all of which are putting a dent in your wallet and expanding your waist line.
3. You don’t know where to start. You have tried every diet on the book shelf and you still can’t find a way to eat and enjoy life.
4. You want to make a change. You are willing to see things differently, try something new and open your mind to the possibility that you can be healthy.
5. You deserve to be healthy! You can look good, feel good, and live your best life.
Come check out the many options they have to help you get back on track and live your best life.
Be Well! 🙂
Jill Tarpey is leading us Wednesday by Wednesday into making better food choices and being more healthful. Tune in every Wednesday to get some great recipes and advice from someone who really knows health. In an effort to fuel her passion to serve as well has enhance the lives of others through their nutritional choices, she started Eat Well SA(San Antonio). Her vision is to educate you on how to incorporate a healthy array of foods into your life. Eat Well is not a diet, nor does it embrace any one specific dietary agenda. She also offers customized programs that are educational and teach you the tools you need to maintain healthy, well balanced eating for your busy lives.