Frame Dance in the Photobooth


I hope you all had a joyous Christmas.  I love this time between Christmas and New Years.  For some reason it feels like bonus time.

We are so excited about our upcoming series at the Photobooth on Montrose.  Here’s what’s happening:

One Friday a month in January, February, March and April Frame Dance Productions will perform an all-new dance performance/installation at the Photobooth.  Each one will be several steps closer to the final product to be performed at our big show in May, but each one will be its own, unique, independent piece.  We’re all about the “event” feel at our shows.  Social, fun, light.  Typically we don’t produce shows where you’re chained to your chairs sitting in a dark room.  We merge the gallery feel with the live performance product (and of course film as well!).

In addition to the Friday night show each month this Winter, we are opening our very first rehearsal of the season to you.  It is at the Photobooth on Montrose, and you can come glance through the giant windows, or come inside and join us and see how we begin the artistic process.  We have an open rehearsal policy almost always, but this is the first time we’ve really encouraged Frame Fans to see where it actually starts.  January 6, 6-8pm at the Photobooth on Montrose (at Montrose and Westheimer in Houston). 

The Photobooth on Montrose is renowned photographer, Simon Gentry’s studio with a twist.  It’s a photo-studio and fabulous event space all in one.  Super fab.

Questions? Leave ’em below.  And remember– we WANT to see you there.


When can I see it?


I’ve heard that question so many times, I figured it was time to write something here.  The LOVE ME premiere came and went, successfully with two sold out shows and a third added due to demand.  There are two future screenings of the film in Houston: Nov. 7 at 7:30 pm at Barnevelder as part of the Fieldwork Showcase; and Archway Gallery on Feb. 23 as part of their 30th Year Celebration.  (Congrats Archway!)   However, we have many of you out there not in Houston who have asked about seeing the film.  That is the beauty of film– it travels, and inquiries about other city premieres are welcome.  Please contact me at

Fieldwork Showcase


Happy Halloween!

Twice a year I write about the wonderful opportunity available to artists in many cities in the US and Europe– Fieldwork.  I am the facilitator in Houston.  Fieldwork is a work group for artists to show in-process works and receive peer feedback to inform the progress and process of their work.  It is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.  After the past ten weeks of making work, we have our showcase at Barnevelder Movement Arts Complex this Sunday at 7:30pm.  The artists include: Loueva Smith, Neil Ellis Orts, Margo Stutts Toombs, Diana Weeks and yours truly, Lydia Hance.  I will be screening LOVE ME, so if you missed our premiere, here’s another chance.

The Fieldwork Showcase is always unstuffy, usually has several works that are mid-process, and encourages audience-artists dialogue afterwards.  Get up close and personal with Houston artists.

Here’s the Facebook page.

And here’s our Facebook page.

LOVE ME will also screen on February 23, 2012 at Archway Gallery, so please do mark your calendars for that.

For more information about Fieldwork and CORE Performance Company that sponsors the Houston and Atlanta Fieldwork workshops, visit CORE’s website.  If you remember a while back, I wrote about my teaching with Dynamic X-Change which is also a program of CORE.  I linked to the article in Dance Studio Life about my work at the Monarch School for kids with neurological differences.

This Weekend is

Framing Bodies: LOVE ME

It’s here!!
a film by Lydia Hance

Get your ticketes at

When: Oct. 14-15 at 8pm

Where: Spacetaker ARC

Tickets: $10What:
What do a librarian, a nurse, a lawyer, a pre-school teacher, a mail clerk, and a professional dancer all have in common?  They are all spilling their guts in word and dance for you.
This film moves from stories of sublime love expression to the depths of emotional isolation.  These Houstonians are telling their secrets.  Will you listen?
Daily updates from cast and director:

Director Lydia Hance is a recipient of an Individual Artist Grant Award.  This grant is funded by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance
as well as the Puffin Foundation and a Rice University Dance Program Space Grant.