Links We Like Friday

Links We Like

Pina is such a whirlwind of drama, humanity, worship, and immaculate settings that its honestly hard to write about.  It’s a dramatic flurry to say the least.  Debra Levine gives the most critically honest response I’ve read thus far.

There is always a possibility that it could be you: hearing from the Philharmonic’s Patron X after the iphone marimba/ Mahler debacle.

Dancehunter | Nancy Wozny tells us more about Ayman Harper’s show at DiverseWorks.  It looks to be electric with the collaboration of Jermaine Spivey of Kidd Pivot and percussion ensemble Matmos.  Don’t miss the promo vid at the bottom.

Link We Love Monday

Links We Like

I couldn’t wait until Friday to share this link with you.  It’s just too good.  Some of the best writing I’ve read on the current state of modern dance, and the future of it, and how we’ve arrived where we are.  And what does “contemporary dance” mean, anyway?  This writer argues that it doesn’t mean anything.  Perhaps she’s even on a crusade against the term.  Do you use the term, “contemporary dance?”  And what does it mean to you?  Here it is.

Links We Like Friday

Links We Like

Two for Today:— it is indeed our very own website, but I want to point you to the first postcard for the series we’re doing at The Photobooth on Montrose.  We have montly installments one Friday night from January through April.  And tonight we have our first rehearsal for the series.  It’s open to the public– and we would LOVE to have you join us!  Snacks and drinks provided.  We like to have fun.

Dance Advantage Blog Contest Winners!  Thank you so much for your support of this blog and for getting those votes in!  We love you Frame Fans!  We won 14th place in the top 20 dance blogs and 1st place for Dance Organization Blog.  That’s right, Frame Dance Productions beat Houston Ballet.  But no hard feelings, right?  🙂

We’re thankful to you for keeping us, our process, and the product interactive.

Links We Like Friday

Links We Like

The beautiful commonality between artists and engineers.

Art in schools is building stronger citizens. 

We’re trying something new.  We’re inviting YOU to our first rehearsal of the season.  See where it all begins.  We’re all about exposing the process, and usually that means showing you our work before it’s done, but also when we’ve had a running start.  See where it actually begins, and see it where we’ll be performing it, at the Photobooth on Montrose.





Links We Like Friday

Links We Like

Congrats to Suchu Dance on a great review– can’t wait to see this show.

We at Frame love dance photography.  Here’s the jackpot for ballet photography. The Ballerina Project.

Those of you who went to the Graham School or SMU with me might have special feelings about this one.  Check out Martha Graham Dance Company’s video competition.  I can hardly stand it.  I’m pleading as I write this: someone please enter!